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First Friday Art Walk

The First Friday Art Walks are the signature event of Denver's Art District on Santa Fe.

All year round, rain or shine, the District comes alive on the first Friday of each month as thousands descend upon Santa Fe Drive for the First Friday Art Walks from 5:30-9:30 p.m.

View art from hundreds of artists in galleries, studios, co-ops, upstairs, downstairs, in alleys, on the street—everywhere! Check out all the details below.

Featured RemainReal Artist to check out: 

"Shifts and Ladders" by Rachel Espenlaub:

"Having evolved from realism to my distinct triangle-based geometric abstraction, I've embarked on an artistic journey shifting away from representational imagery. My focus now centers on conceptual exploration, delving into color relationships, pattern, and non-objective forms. My approach is characterized by simplicity and clarity—I work with acrylic paint on canvas and paper, employing tape and fine brushes to achieve precision edges in my carefully composed compositions.

My goal for “Shifts & Ladders” is to create a dynamic and unified collection of paintings that navigate visual chaos and abrupt shifts in direction. Through vibrant interplays of form and color, the artworks encapsulate the chaos of transformative years while capturing the resilient spirit that emerges from personal struggle, offering viewers a narrative of hope and perseverance within the visual tapestry of the collection".

-Rachel Espenlaub 2024

December 6

Youth on Record's Open Mic (Copy)

December 18

Community Advisory Group Meeting