Burnham Yard Project Initial Meeting

Burnham Yard is a former Union Pacific railroad maintenance yard recently purchased by the State of Colorado. This meeting was the beginning of the process of community outreach for development of the site. The rail yard contains 9 historic buildings that are currently being evaluated for their historical value and ability to be incorporated into the site. An environmental study of the site is also underway to determine any hazardous chemicals that may remain at the site and need to be cleaned up before development can begin. The planning process to develop the master plan and Denver City small area plan is happing concurrently with the environmental study and cleanup. A rail study of the area is also being conducted to see possibilities for moving the freight and heavy rail lines in order to better connect the new site to La Alma Lincoln Park and existing light rail transit at 10th and Osage Station.

At this meeting the community discussed aspects of the project that they consider to be most important.

  • Environmental aspects of the development were a large concern at the meeting. Currently the environmental study is not complete and no cleanup has been done. Community members were concerned that the site likely has a high quantity of dangerous materials on it due to railroad operations and thought that the planning of the site should be delayed until after a cleanup plan is developed. Unfortunately this does not fit with the government’s timeline for development.

  • Multi-Modal transportation was an important discussion as it is demanded by the community, the Blueprint Denver master plan, and also the design philosophies for this development. The community wants a better connection for bike and pedestrian traffic between La Alma Lincoln Park, Burnham Yard, and the South Platte trail to be developed as part of the project. Separated car, bike, and pedestrian traffic areas were also a large focus of discussion. At this time the 10th and Osage light rail station is not planned to be moved as part of the project.

  • Community members were concerned about how commerce will be designed into the area and done effectively. The 10th and Osage TOD currently lacks much commercial development and the community did not want to see this problem be extended into Burnham Yard. Community members wanted to make sure that there would be space for both small businesses and anchor entities. Special emphasis was put on having free access community spaces in Burnham Yard, possibly in the largest of the historical structures on the property.

For more information about this meeting, the Burnham Yard Project, the Denver City Small Area Plan, the CDOT rail study, and more please click the button below.


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Neighborhood Transportation Management Program